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Writer's pictureFaye Lyth

We’ll meet again, don’t know when…

We are living in such strange times. Most of us have never seen anything like this in our whole lives.


When speaking to my nana she is talking about the war a lot. The food rations, the songs, the frightened emotions. She told me about a 96 year old lady she knows, who is in a care home. She had asked ‘is it World War 3 happening?!’

The atmosphere, the energy, must feel very similar. A Deja vue for the elderly. Thankfully this time round there is one thing that certainly isn’t the same.

The hate. The evil.

The world wars started because somebody in a high station decided they wanted more power. The power turned to greed. Greed turned to an obsession. Obsession turned to not trusting anyone. Which sure enough sees the demise of these people.


Very frightening.

But in this current pandemic we are in, what are we seeing.

Love. Kindness. Respect.

When Covid 19 started everyone from high power or not wanted to help in some way. I’ve seen everything from neighbours leaving Sunday dinners on their elderly neighbour’s front step. A hospital of staff clapping patients as they were well enough to leave and go home. To donations of care packages for NHS staff. From the one post I put out on The Retreat’s social media, we were in awe of the amount of toiletries and food we received for Redcar hospital.

Pure love.

That’s what is going on all over the world. Acts of kindness and pure love.

The loss of lives is frightening. But if we try to limit our news intake, and listen to the stories of humanity prevailing. We are all working together, we are all doing what we can to support our key workers, and we are proving in times of crisis we can come together with a common goal to stop the spread of this virus, stop the threat, help the vulnerable.

Mmm maybe the atmosphere does feel like a war, humanity coming together to defeat a common enemy.

Although instead of every able man being sent off to fight surrounded by horrific sights. Most are asked to just stay home.

So don’t feel to put out men….. :-P

So in the spirit of staying positive, listening to the good news, keeping things as light as you can. What are you doing at home to entertain yourself or your family?

Let’s share our tips and advice (in the comments) on what is ‘feeding our soul’ while in lockdown.

For me having a routine, a structure has helped massively. I made a timetable of the week that includes everything from zoom meditation meetings and yoga classes, to my daughter’s nursery work, creative ideas for the children to keep their little heads stimulated. From the moment I did that I felt more grounded and less out of control.

So come on everyone share the love…

‘We’ll meet again don’t know where don’t know when, but I know we’ll meet again some sunny day…’ Faye x x J

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